The Echoes of Solitude

2 min readAug 2, 2024

I am building my dream, a vision so clear. Yet loneliness whispers, and shadows draw near. Where have the friends, once cherished, all flown? Where is the family, whose love was well-known?

It breaks my heart, this solitude’s sting. As I reach out to silence, where echoes should ring. The more I extend, the less they reply. Lost in the void, beneath an empty sky.

Some may say it’s me, and I can’t deny. For blindness to truth now opens my eye. I see their true colors, painted too late. In the dawn of my dreams, I confront my fate.

I trusted their words, and believed in their vows. But now I stand alone in my house. A castle of hopes, built on shaky ground. Where loyalty faltered, and silence resounds.

Yet in this solitude, strength I will find. To rise from the hurt, leave the past behind. For in this quiet, my soul starts to mend. And new paths of friendship, I’ll seek to tend.

Though the pain is deep, and the nights are long. I’ll find my own way, I’ll write my own song. For dreams are not built on others’ applause. But on inner resolve and a righteous cause.

So I’ll gather my courage, and face the unknown. In the echoes of solitude, I’ll stand on my own. And one day, the silence will turn into cheer. For those who truly love me, will draw near.

