Morning on the Ranch

2 min readJul 11, 2024

Morning on the Ranch

In the dawn’s gentle light, where the horizon meets sky. A ranch awakens, as the night bids goodbye. The whisper of breezes through meadows so wide. Where dreams come to life, and the heart feels untied.

The horses run free, their manes in the wind. Galloping spirits, where the wild begins. Their hooves beat a rhythm, a song of the plains. A melody timeless, where freedom remains.

The cattle graze quietly in fields lush and green. A sight that brings peace, a pastoral scene. With each blade of grass and each gentle low. Life breathes in the morning, in a soft, golden glow.

The sun rises slowly, painting skies in hues. Of pinks and of golds, and soft morning blues. Birds sing their chorus, a symphony sweet. As the day unfolds gently, with no rush to meet.

There’s a calm in the air, a whisper of grace. Where the worries of life find no hiding place. Each moment feels sacred, each breath pure and light. In the arms of the morning, where everything’s right.

The ranch is a haven, where my heart longs to stay. In the dance of the morning, at the break of the day. For here lies the essence of the life that I crave. A dream pure and simple, in this open-air nave.

To wake with the dawn, in this haven so free. Is the life that I dream of, the life meant for me. In the heart of the ranch, where my spirit can soar, In the beauty of morning, forevermore.

