The Twilight Kingdom

4 min readJun 25, 2024

In the twilight of my waking dread,
The sky turned red, the rivers bled.
Echoes of screams, a haunting sound,
Souls in torment, lost and bound.

Once fair streets, now shrouded in gloom.
The air thick with the scent of doom.
Memories haunt, of that cursed night,
when darkness claimed my soul’s last light.

I fought the shadows deep within,
A battle waged ‘gainst unknown sin.
Yet in the moment I released,
the chaos grew, my soul was eased.

Oh, what rapture, what dark delight,
to cast the world in endless night.
With but a whisper, shadows rise,
monstrous forms with hollow eyes.

From the abyss, they heed my call,
Creatures grotesque, who crave the fall.
They dance and writhe in madness’ embrace,
an orgy of horror, a vile disgrace.

The streets that once knew joy and mirth,
now echo with the screams of Earth.
No more the sun, no more the day,
in darkness’ thrall, the world shall stay.

I walked through streets of crimson red,
where rivers flowed with blood instead.
The homes I knew, now torn asunder,
in darkness’ grip, they groaned in thunder.

Gnarled trees reached out with twisted claws,
against the night, no holy laws.
Their branches swayed in spectral waltz.
A macabre dance, a fiendish pulse.

Shattered windows, silent screams,
reflected in the moon’s sick beams.
Cursed whispers filled the air,
promising despair and wear.

From the shadows, phantoms crept,
in sibilant tones, their secrets kept.
Their eyes like coals, their skin like frost,
reminders of the souls they’d lost.

I reveled in this nightmare’s bliss,
for in this world, my power kissed.
With each snap, new fiends emerged,
from hellish depths, their hunger surged.

Mangled corpses lined the lanes.
A ghastly testament to my reign.
Eyes wide open, mouths agape,
forever trapped in endless gape.

Their skin peeled back in flayed delight,
exposed to air, a gruesome sight.
A gallery of death and pain,
adorned my kingdom’s dark domain.

Through alleys slick with crimson trails,
I summoned horrors, spun new tales.
Skeletal hands that clawed the night,
gorging on the mortal plight.

Demons with serrated grins,
danced on bones with wicked chins.
Their laughter, a cacophony,
in my realm of blasphemy.

The sky above, a churning sea,
of blood and shadowed prophecy.
The stars themselves, now drenched in gore,
lit the paths to hellish door.

I wandered to the town’s heart square,
where once joy thrived, now blank despair.
A fountain flowed with crimson tears,
fed by victims’ deepest fears.

Statues wept with ruby eyes,
in mourning for their own demise.
The ground beneath, a charnel bed,
with bones of children, women, men.

No godly force to intervene.
No savior in this nightmare scene.
My laughter echoed through the square,
a symphony of pure despair.

Oh, what delight, this cursed tableau,
where all who entered met their woe.
A playground for my darkest thoughts,
where every soul in torment rots.

From the church, a shadow fled,
in holy robes, now steeped in dread.
The priest, his faith now twisted, torn,
a vessel for the dark reborn.

With eyes of black and heart of stone,
he led the damned with guttural moan.
Chanting hymns of blasphemy,
in reverence to my cruel decree.

His flock, they followed, lost and blind,
with spirits broken, souls confined.
They tore their flesh in fervent rage,
to honor me, their darkened sage.

Beneath the cross, inverted stark,
They writhed in blood, their forms grotesque.
A ritual of death’s embrace,
to welcome hell in sacred space.

In the night, my throne I claimed.
A seat of bones, with terror framed.
I gazed upon my fallen land,
with power held in bloody hand.

The moon hung low, a bloated eye,
witness to my dark supply.
Its light cast shadows deep and long,
where nightmares birthed, where fiends belong.

From catacombs, the dead arose,
in silent rows, their deathly prose.
With hollow eyes and skeletal hands,
they formed my loyal, ghastly bands.

I marveled at my dread domain,
a kingdom wrought from pure disdain.
Each scream, each cry, a lullaby,
to soothe my soul beneath the sky.

The witches came, with eyes of fire,
in robes of black, their hearts desire.
They brought with them the plague of night,
to spread my chaos, fan my blight.

Their cauldrons bubbled with the dead,
with limbs and entrails, blood so red.
They cast their spells, a curse, a blight,
to turn the day into endless night.

The earth itself began to groan,
as roots turned black and seeds were sown.
A forest of the damned arose,
where once was life, now darkness grows.

Their laughter filled the midnight air.
A chorus of despair and scare.
Together, we, a coven dark,
ignited the world with hellish spark.

Oh, how I reveled in my reign,
amidst the chaos and the pain.
For in this world of endless fright,
I found my purpose, my delight.

The sky remained a bloodied sheet.
The rivers carried death’s heartbeat.
The screams became a symphony,
an ode to my dark legacy.

In shadows deep, I made my bed,
a master of the restless dead.
With every snap, new horrors born,
In shadows’ grip, the world was torn.

I walked the night, my heart alight,
with love for this unholy blight.
For in this world of dark delight,
I am the master of the night.

No longer bound by mortal fears,
I wield the darkness, wipe the tears.
Of those who once had known my face,
now twisted in my dark embrace.

The sky turned red, the rivers bled,
In this, my kingdom of the dead.
A reign of terror, newly started.
With joy, I watched the world departed.

In the twilight of my waking dread,
the sky turned red, the rivers bled.
Echoes of screams, a haunting sound,
souls in torment, lost and bound.

